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Vivienne offers consultations:

  • via FaceTime, Teams, Zoom or phone Monday- Friday 9am - 3pm
  • If you require a home visit on the Gold Coast, she can visit you there


Food intolerance does not JUST happen. There is an underlying cause to the development of food sensitivity and it is ESSENTIAL that this is addressed during treatment. An elimination diet is required to remove the stimulating factors that irritate the nervous system (affecting the brain (ADHD, OCD, migraine, headache, anxiety, depression), the skin (eczema, hives, dermatitis, psoriasis), airways (asthma, unexplained cough, wheezing), gastrointestinal (constipation, diarrhoea, cramps, IBS, IBD, gastroparesis, SIBO)) whilst addressing the underlying causal factors that may include one or any of the following: chronic bacterial or yeast infection, genetics (methylation issues), poor diet, micronutrient deficiencies (pyrrole disorder, low vitamin D, low Active B12, anaemia...) and poor microbiome.

Through my years of experience and knowledge of both conventional and herbal medicine, I have learnt to combine all of these to provide the most thorough and effective treatment to not only manage food intolerances but move past them.


Food sensitive children react because the chemicals in food cause reactions by irritating nerve endings in different parts of the body. Children may display:

  • Neurological symptoms such as ADHD, OCD tendencies, irritable, tics and behavioural problems
  • Physical reactions such as rash, nappy rash, hives, eczema, asthma, mouth ulcers
  • Gut reactions such as diarrhoea, constipation, colic, and reflux


Adults often don't even realise they have been suffering from food intolerances their whole life until their children display adverse reactions to food.


Symptoms often include:

  • IBS symptoms such as an upset stomach, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation
  • Headache and migraine
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Mood swings and hormonal dysregulation (PMS, endometriosis, PCOS, menopause)


The elimination diet and/or the low FODMAP diet is used to determine which food and environmental chemicals are causing problems. See the STEP-BY-STEP guide to see how the elimination diet works.


Nutrition in pregnancy is critical during the developmental stages of the foetus. Vivienne provides prenatal and antenatal nutrition support based on the revolutionary area of NUTRITIONAL EPIGENETICS, when the infant's brain is rapidly developing, forming critical synapses and is most susceptible to food and environmental chemicals.

Latest clinical research links autism, ADHD and other neurodevelopment disorders with such chemicals, especially in the genetically-predisposed. 

Book an appointment with Vivienne to assess what you are feeding yourself and your unborn child and learn how to optimise nutrition for both you and your baby. 


Newborn babies are generally more sensitive to chemicals in our food and environment due to their immature systems. The mother's diet can strongly affect the breastfed baby as the food chemicals transfer into the breast milk. General symptoms include:

  • Colicky behaviour (writhing, crying, unsettled)
  • Loose stools
  • Eczema
  • Nappy rash

Many mothers try and eliminate certain food groups on their own such as dairy, gluten or 'gas-producing' FODMAP and sulphurous foods, however, the mother risks eliminating important food groups containing essential vitamins and minerals fundamental for the baby's development and the mother's well-being.


If you think your child may be suffering from a food intolerance you do not need to stop breastfeeding, often if the mother goes on an elimination diet, the baby's symptoms will often improve. Whilst investigating the troublesome foods, Vivienne will ensure that you are getting the right nutrition for you and your baby and she will closely monitor your baby's growth and development.


LONG COVID & The Gut Microbiome

We are seeing more and more people struggling with Long Covid, with the majority having had a history of poor gut health (loose stools, constipation, IBS..see Research: Make-up of gut microbiome may be linked to long COVID risk). 70% of our immune system lies in our gut, so if our gut isn't working well, then our immune system is already compromised. As we have done previously working with many with Post Viral Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it is essential to focus on the gut health as a priority, restore micronutrient deficiencies (due to the gut being unable to absorb key nutrients) and recommend the most therapeutic diet for the individual depending on their symptoms and history. 

Disclaimer: All information provided on this page is for educational and informational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider for possible underlying illness and to determine the best course of treatment for you or your child. Before beginning dietary investigation, consult a dietitian with an interest in food intolerance. This website also includes links to Third-party websites for the provision of additional information, Vivienne Pither Dietitian cannot be held responsible for the content provided on these Third-party pages. In addition, this website includes an online form of contact. We will make all effort to ensure any personal information sent through our website will be kept secure, however, the Internet is not a secure environment and thus any information sent is sent at your own risk.

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